Ms. Kennedy Scores Again!
New Adult Contemporary Romance
Released January 11, 2016
Series: Off-Campus, Book #3
Reviewed by Deb
He knows how to score, on and off the ice
Allie Hayes is in crisis mode. With graduation looming, she still doesn’t have the first clue about what she’s going to do after college. To make matters worse, she’s nursing a broken heart thanks to the end of her longtime relationship. Wild rebound sex is definitely not the solution to her problems, but gorgeous hockey star Dean Di-Laurentis is impossible to resist. Just once, though, because even if her future is uncertain, it sure as heck won’t include the king of one-night stands.
It’ll take more than flashy moves to win her over
Dean always gets what he wants. Girls, grades, girls, recognition, girls…he’s a ladies man, all right, and he’s yet to meet a woman who’s immune to his charms. Until Allie. For one night, the feisty blonde rocked his entire world—and now she wants to be friends? Nope. It’s not over until he says it’s over. Dean is in full-on pursuit, but when life-rocking changes strike, he starts to wonder if maybe it’s time to stop focusing on scoring…and shoot for love.
I am absolutely addicted to Elle Kennedy’s Off-Campus series. When I picked up The Deal last year I had no idea what to expect. I love her Navy SEAL series but a New Adult? I have to say, I fell so hard for that book it was ridiculous. Don’t tell anyone but I think I might even love this series more. Ack! I’m an adult. I’ve been out of college for more years than these characters have been alive! What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me is I’m a sucker for young love stories that have substance, well-developed characters, witty dialogue, and just enough angst to make it interesting without making me want to kill myself. And this is exactly what we get with Off-Campus. It’s not a given that each book in a series will top the last, or even equal its predecessors, but Ms. Kennedy has blown that theory out of the water. The Deal, The Mistake, and now The Score are all deliciously entertaining. I can’t say I love one more than the other because they are all unique. Each book focuses on one of four members of Briar University’s hockey team, all roommates in what I imagine in my head to be a large, rambling off-campus house. These guys are hardcore athletes, so of course, they’re gorgeous, sculpted of yummy muscles, confident, and can pretty much snap their fingers and the girls come running. But under those pretty exteriors and horndog antics lie endearing personalities. The thing I love most about the four guys sharing the house is they all have each other’s backs no matter what the circumstances. When it’s time to man up, be mature, and offer advice they excel at it. I love these guys. They’re also hilarious as hell.
The Score is book 3, featuring self-professed man-whore Dean Di Laurentis and Allie Hayes, Hannah’s best friend (from book 1, The Deal) . These two couldn’t be more different. According to The Life of Dean, there are no repeat performances with girls. Ever. He’s not remotely interested in anything that involves the dirty word relationship. Allie, on the other hand, has dated the same guy for four years. Granted, they’ve broken up four times but this time, it’s for real. She’s even high tailed it out of the dorm she shares with Hannah and is hiding out at the guys’ house for the weekend. The couples are out of town, which leaves only Dean at home. Allie can surely smack down on his ridiculous flirting. But after some well-deserved tequila shots and a joint or maybe two, things get blurry and…
The memories come crashing back in vivid Technicolor. The terrible movie. The tequila shots. The… rest. I slept with Dean last night. Twice. My heart beats faster as I stare up at the ceiling. I’m in Dean’s room. There’s an empty condom wrapper on the end table. And… yep, I’m naked.
What surprises Allie, even more, is that she seems to recall enjoying herself. A Lot. She’s got a kinky streak that her ex wasn’t on board with but Dean…wow. Regardless, it was beyond wrong and Hannah will kill her if she finds out, so Dean and Allie make a pact to keep it between them.
Only problem is, Dean can’t stop thinking about Allie. It surprises the crap out of him because this is certainly a first but he needs, at least, one more taste.
After last night’s performance, Allie Hayes proved that she’s fully capable of leaving her mark on a man. Jesus. That girl can fuck. Damn, and now my dick is semi-hard. It’s been doing that all day, chubbing out every time I think about Allie.
Likewise, Allie can’t stop thinking about Dean. When Dean begs for more, she’s shocked. Maybe what she needs is indeed a fling. She may be a card-carrying member of the Team Boyfriend, but it hasn’t done her any favors in the last few years. A change might be good. But can she handle it?
Allie and Dean are hilarious together. She isn’t the starry-eyed coed type he’s used to. She doesn’t say How high? when he says Jump. Their verbal sparring is exquisite! It’s not only entertaining, it’s also revealing. The more she treats him with nonchalance the more he falls for her. She’s not being a tease. She’s being realistic. Dean isn’t a long term keeper. He’s rich, spoiled, and gets what he wants. He’s only hanging around because she isn’t begging for his attention. Besides, she’s spent four years as a drama major, she’ll be graduating soon, and needs to focus on her acting career. But Dean is relentless, being all adorable and sexy, watching French soap operas with her and generally making her forget about her ex. Plus, Dean is just so damn HOT it’s irresistible.
Dean is on a fast track to win over Allie. He can’t explain this all-consuming fascination and need and he doesn’t care. What little Dean wants, big Dean does his best to procure. Allie might consider this thing between them merely a fling but that’s not how it’s going down if he can help it. She makes him want to be a better man and, I must admit the more we learn about Dean, the harder I fell in love with him. He’s put on a good act for a long time; a Richie Rich man-whore who skates by on his charm and looks when in fact, he’s extremely intelligent, caring, and kind.
Ms. Kennedy has once again given us another exceptional story that is not only fun, witty, and chock full of sexy chemistry. Unexpected and shocking surprises deepen the tension and pull at the heartstrings yet are by no means superfluous. The writing is beautiful, tight, fast-paced, and so entertaining I didn’t want it to end.
O Factor: Scorcher
Off-Campus Series:
The Deal, Book #1
The Mistake, Book #2
The Score, Book #3
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The Deal, Book #1
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The Mistake, Book #2
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