Review: Fright Train by Majanka Verstraete

30 May of 2015 by

Fright Train by Majanka VerstraeteFright Train By Majanka Verstraete

Children’s Short Chapter Book Ages 6-10 yrs, Grades 1-5 / A Scary Lower Grade Chapter Book

Released November 29, 2013

Evolved Publishing

Series: Weirdville, Book 3

Reviewed by Alyssa & Jean

Evolved Publishing presents “Fright Train,” the third book in the “Weirdville” series by Majanka Verstraete. This lower grade spooky adventure is perfect for kids 6-10 years old.
~~~ Charlie’s parents drop him off at the train station so he can visit his grandma in Weirdville. It’s a cold winter evening, so when his usual train is cancelled at the last second, Charlie wishes he’d stayed home.
~ An hour later, shivering from the cold, he climbs onboard the next train to Weirdville, even though he’d rather not. It looks like something straight out of the nineteenth century, as if it used a time machine to arrive at the station. ~
His shivering doesn’t stop, for soon after Charlie boards, he realizes just how right he was to be wary of this strange train. Something is seriously wrong with all the people onboard. If only he could figure out what was going on. If only he could get off the train.
~~~ Be sure to check out the other books in the “Weirdville” series, including “The Doll Maker” and “House of Horrors.”

I would tell my friends that it was perfect….. Alyssa age 9.


The main character of this story is Charlie. His mother drops him off at the train station to catch a train to his Grandmother’s house in Weirdville. The wait is long and cold. He’s warned not to get on the train by a stranger who offers him a ride. But Charlie knows not to talk to strangers or ride with them.


When the train arrives he gets on. His ride is very scary. He meets a woman with pale skin, a giant conductor and two kids. The conductor doesn’t like his ticket and chases him through the train. Eventually he ends up meeting Mrs. Weird, a very scary bad woman who wants to kill him. Will Charlie get away? Will he ever see his Grandma?


This was a good and scary story. I would tell my friends that it was perfect….. Alyssa age 9.
This was a wonderful story I shared with my grand daughters. As you can see she really enjoyed the story. It was well written and very age appropriate. I would highly recommend it to other parents.I received a copy of this book for an honest review.




Weirdville Series Order:  

The Doll Maker, Book 1









House of Horrors, Book 2









Fright Train, Book 3









Drowning in Fear, Book 4





The Clumsy Magician, Book 5







Grave Error, Book 6


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Rating Review: 5
5.0Overall score

I would tell my friends that it was perfect….. Alyssa age 9.

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